On the midnight of Christmas, I was checking my accounts on every possible site I have registered to. I happened to drop by my ask.fm account. An anonymous cyber bully asked, "Bakit ang yabang mo? Napaka needy mo at demanding." Only one person went to my head. He-who-must-not-be-named was the only person this bully must have been talking about. The question was posted four months ago, so the alibi that I have rarely seen him this term would not count. I did not want to judge anybody so I did not make conclusions as to who might have been the unknown inquisitor. I admit I have been clingy to he-who-must-not-be-named mostly because I was used to having all his attention on me.
Now, I am nothing to him. I honestly cannot imagine how he can still call me his best friend, when I do not feel close enough for him to be called mine. Surely he used to be there for me always, as one would expect of a "best friend," but since she happened, he has always never been there for me. I do not care if they spend their lives messing up each other's bed (believe me, I know a lot about what he does to her more than she will ever know). All I want is peace on my own, which is why I have stopped asking him when we could meet. We used to have fixed meeting times and days during a week. But all that is gone now, I do not even recall the last time I have had a meal with him. It has probably been months. I really do not care anymore. I stopped caring a long time ago. If he is not there for me and is not an actual best friend to me, let him be. Sure, I will be there for him, like a genuine friend would be. I will give him holiday gifts and try to laugh with him (though honestly I have been having a hard time doing this). I will be his friend because I have learned that in this life, helping should be done without expectations of being returned the favour.
Okay. I am reacting badly to this ask.fm question. It just really gets into me when somebody hates me, you know? I know I cannot please everybody, but for somebody to loathe me like this unknown being does, my system just cannot accept it. Whomever you may be, Anonymous, whatever it must have been that I did to make you dislike or perchance even loathe me, I am truly sorry. I am pretty sure that with whatsoever I did, I did not mean for it to cause you pain or whatnot. I would also like to tell you that I have been doing my best to keep far from he-who-must-not-be-named because he told me she did not like him seeing me. Please do not hate on me for missing the good friendship he and I used to have. He was my best friend, after all. And after she came, I lost a good friend. Mayhaps you have experienced losing a friend too, so you might understand how I feel right now. Mayhaps you do not, but believe me it has not been easy for me this past year. I am not sure if he is still my best friend because he likes to say so, because in deeper context we are no longer passable best friends to each other.
By now you must have already realized how you got into me. I just cannot live with anybody hating this much on me. If you knew the story of Cyber Bully Part I, you would understand. However, I must warn you not to worry about it because it is not very much likely for you to be learning about it any time soon, because I am long over Cyber Bully number one (and she does not deserve this title any longer), and we are now friends (and it took me quite an effort for this to happen). P.S. I answered your question with, "You're funny! :>" But I reevaluated the situation and ended up deleting your question instead. Happy holidays, Unknown!
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- Riyelle
- People say it's hard to pronounce my name, so you can just give me any nickname. I've earned a lot of nicknames during my eighteen years of pilgrimage on Earth and earning a few more wouldn't hurt. I am now running out of things to say about myself so I will let this verse sum up my entire life. Yes, I Timothy 1:12 speaks about the start until the end... of me. "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;"
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